} New Compliance Assistance Program.

Technical Circular No. 014 | 2017

Subject: New Compliance Assistance Program.

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  • Liberian administration has issued a marine advisory 01/2017 providing information on new compliance assistance program.
  • Salient points of the notice are summarized below:

1. Few years ago, the Liberian administration had developed a program called Advance Notice of Arrival (ANOA) to assist the vessel owners and operators for ensuring regulatory compliance and prevent detention by PSC authorities.

2. The further development in the above program is administration’s compliance assistance program (CAP) which provides information in order to assist owners, operators and masters of Liberian flagged vessels in risk assessment.

3. CAP is a fully automated information system which gathers and analyzes information on flag and port state inspections, deficiencies and detentions.

4. After conducting an analysis of the vessel and company history, the program will:

(i) Send information to the Designated Persons Ashore (DPA) on the probability of a Port State Control Officer boarding their vessel;

(ii) Request the DPA to have the Master complete a pre arrival check list and forward copy to the safety@liscr.com , and;

(iii) Request a Safety Inspection when required.

5. This increases the efficiency and effectiveness of the ANOA program and provides additional information to vessel operators and their DPA(s) to confirm compliance and/or reporting before arrival.

6. The system will generate and send automated e-mails and reminders from seasafe@liscr.com to the email on file for the DPA.

7. It is possible to program DPA(s) outlook to send all emails from seasafe@liscr.com to go to a specific subfolder where they can be reviewed separately.

8. For correspondence, email is to be send to safety@liscr.com

  • Ship owners/ operators and masters are advised to be guided by above.


  1. Liberia Maritime Authority Marine Advisory 01/2017 on new compliance assistance program


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While we have taken utmost care to be as factual as possible, readers/ users are advised to verify the exact text and content of the Regulation from the original source/ issuing Authority.


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