} DGS Order No. 02 of 2017 Regarding Inspection of Medicines, Medical Stores and appliances and issuance of Certificate.

Technical Circular No. 68 | 2017

Subject : DGS Order No. 02 of 2017 Regarding Inspection of Medicines, Medical Stores and appliances and issuance of Certificate.

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  1. The Indian Merchant Shipping Act, 1958, as amended requires port health officer or such other persons as the Central Government may appoint, to inspect the medicines, medical stores and appliances on board all foreign-going Indian ships and all home-trade ships of two hundred tons gross or more and issue the certificate.
  1. The GOI vide DGS Order No. 02 of 2017, dated 22nd May 2017(copy attached) has now notified that in addition to the Port Health Officer, any Medical Examiner approved under the provisions of Rule 4 of Merchant Shipping (Medical Examination) Rules, 2000 as amended, is also authorized to inspect medicines, medical stores, appliances and records on board Indian Flag vessels and issue the prescribed certificate.
  1. The list of approved Medical Examiners is listed on the DG Shipping website (htpp://www.dgshipping.gov.in/Content/ListofMedicalExaminer.aspx).
  1. Ship Owners / operators and masters of Indian flagged vessels are advised to be guided by above and the attached DGS Order No.2 of 2017.


  1. DGS Order No.2 of 2017.


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